Workshop in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics

The Workshop in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (or PPE Workshop) was established in 1999 to encourage and explore the latest research by scholars from across the social sciences and humanities. For over 20 years, the PPE Workshop has been a vehicle for scholars and graduate students to discuss and receive feedback on research.

The workshop is held on Thursdays from 2:00-3:30pm.

SPRING 2025 Schedule

January 30th—Lawrence White (Department of Economics, George Mason University) on “Human Capital and its Critics: Gary Becker, Institutionalism, and Anti-Neoliberalism.”

February 6th—Alberto Mingardi (IULM University and Bruno Leoni Institute) on “Richard Cobden, Liberalism as Peace.”

February 13th—John Thrasher (Philosophy, Chapman University) on “Open Society and Open Access: Legitimacy Beyond Justice.”

February 20th—Benjamin Powell (Economics, Texas Tech University) on “Emigration's Impact on Origin Countries' Economic Freedom.”

February 27th—Veronique de Rugy (Political Economy, Mercatus Center) on “The Greatness of Growth and the American Dream.”

March 20th—Jayme Lemke (Economics, Mercatus Center) on “An Institutional Analysis of Women’s Liberation in the 19th Century U.S.”

March 27th—Nathan Goodman (Economics, Mercatus Center) on “Border Militarization: How Efforts to Control Borders Threaten American Liberty.”

April 3rd—John Hasnas (Markets and Ethics, Georgetown University) on TBD.”

April 10th—Peter Jacobsen (Economics, Ottawa University) on “Airline Overbooking and Entrepreneurial Economists.”

April 17th—Alex Schafer (Philosophy, University of Buffalo) on “From Collection to Collective: Organic Theory, Individualism, and Multilevel Selection.”

April 24th—Marco Bodellini (Law, Economics and Finance, University of Luxembourg) on “TBD.”

Please visit the Hayek Program Podcast Website for more!